Every Indian is all gaga-gaga and sing-sing with the ebbing of festive season.
Holidays! Hurray! Not really ‘a hurray’ for the street dogs and cats, who go all mission impossible to save their poor asses and tails from the human-gone-reckless behaviour. A 4-day of feeding one’s festive soul by contributing to every possible pollution that finds its trace on the only known living planet. How these festival-fanatics never batted an eye when there was a gazillion rise in the carbon content because a science-ignorant fact stated that Goddess Lakshmi would be elated to see the big, bright lights belching out a human-killing gas – Carbon Monoxide, to be precise. But don’t you worry, this will get us enough money since Lakshmi ji is all happy to see the destruction of our beautiful world.
Sorry for a sarcastic wrath but trust me you will understand when you’ll go through a 4-day of unwanted clamour, with no escape.
My intention to commence this post with all new hippie fashion has gone in ashes. I know most of you must have re-read the title and then the paragraph just to make sure if you have not missed something. I am really sorry but I really had no intentions to befuddle you. As I’m done with the rant let’s talk about the business.
While Christmas and New Year are crouching faster than we expected this year, we’ve something even better to look forward to- besides holidays.
It might have not struck you (and in case if it has then you are a genius) but most of our festivals happen in winters (If you are based in Mumbai like me then it is somewhere-close-to-winters)
For example: Bacardi NH7, Sunburn, the winter polo matches and the list keeps on fueling.
While a few check the artists’ line-ups and revise their playlists, and a few more by heart the songs; a few stash up their hash stockpile, and a few more get stoned until the time they get involuntarily registered for an ongoing maushpit but among these guns and goons, haywires and hash-lovers, braggers and beggars, there are a number of us who go for the wholesome reason of chilling the fuck out and ofcourse look absolutely gorgeous.
While the former you’ll have to deal on your own, which is even simpler: Go to gigs, flirt with cute boys, get drunk, and for the love of photography god – Do not do selfie! The later part, which again is your deal but it is also mine because I blog on fashion and It is my whole soul duty to give you the best or even bestest (It’s not a word but you got my point, right?) of the boho suit up!
So for the love of Boho and music, let’s take a pledge to not to dress-up in a way that scarce the totality of our Boho outfits. If it’s a music festival then we will be there and we will look absolutely stunning!
My dear flapper, so here goes: